Church Life
Remembrance Sunday 10th November at 10.30 am
Cove – Jennie Marlow
Family Prayer
It was with great sadness we heard 4 weeks ago of the passing of Revd Arthur Rowe, who was minister at Cove in the 1980’s. It was lovely to have him join us for our 40th anniversary service and celebration back in June, as he was the minister at the time of the building of the current Church. We think of his son Martin, and all the family at this time. Revd Arthur Rowe’s funeral will take place on Friday 8 th November at 12.00 pm – Bedhampton Methodist Church, Havant. There will be a light lunch before the cremation at The Oaks Crematorium, Havant, at 2.30 pm.
We pray for all those from our Church families who are currently unwell, who have lost loved ones, who have recently had a stay in hospital, undergone operations or procedures, waiting for test results, are in residential homes, housebound.
We also pray for those who are coping with grief, illness, mental health issues and generally going through difficult times.
May God guide and bless us all in our journey of faith and understanding.
We pray for peace and that we be led by God in all things.
Future Dates for the Diary
Morning Prayer
Via Zoom. From Monday 11 th November, Rev Kyung Mi Banks will be hosting a Morning Prayer zoom meeting at 9.00 am. All are welcome to join, the zoom link can be emailed to those wishing to join.
Advent Fayre
Will be held on Saturday 30 th November. We will soon be asking for donations towards the fayre, items for the tombola, unwanted/ unused gifts, bric-a-brac, crafts etc.
Advent Lunch
Will be held on Sunday 8 th December.
Shoe Boxes
Any final items need to be placed in the Shoeboxes today. Items required are hats /scarves and gloves, pencils, notebooks, Cuddly toy, small games, soap,
flannel, toothbrushes. A list is in the welcome hall. Thanks.
Weekly Groups
Tuesday – ‘TUESDAY @ TWO Meeting’
Club for older people meeting in Cove Methodist Church Hall on Tuesdays from 2.00 pm to 3.30 pm. Please contact Pete S or Christine T for further details.
Tuesday – WELCOME SPACE at Cove Church (a warm space initiative)
‘Welcome Space’ meets between 3.30 pm and 6.30 pm.
Wednesday – ‘Cove Morning Get Together & Reflection’
A time of Bible Study, reflection, and prayer, 10.00 am on Zoom. All are welcome.
Thursday (except 1 st Thursday of the month) – Holy Communion Service at Christ Church, Cove at 10.00 am
Saturday – Cove Saturday Coffee
Weekly between 10.00 am and 11.30 am. All are welcome to come along
to enjoy a cuppa and the company of others.
Coffee and Flower Rotas
We all love a cup of coffee or tea, along with a chat. If you are able to make tea or coffee, please sign up on the Sunday coffee rota. It is also lovely to have flowers in the Church. If you have a special date or occasion and wish to have flowers in Church, please see the rota or speak to Denise. If you feel that you are not artistic or unable to arrange flowers, this can be sorted.
October Metal Recycling Collection
Many thanks for the batch of printer cartridges which I sent off and will raise £19.15 for church funds. Best regards, Bob.
Working Party
On Wednesday 20 November a working party from a local company are coming to do some painting, tiling and other jobs for us as part of a community partnership. We need to provide equipment for them. So, if you have any tins of useable paint, spare paintbrushes, rollers, roller trays, tiling items, please let us know. Thanks Management Committee.
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